Up Coming Events & Programs for 2024
All programs with Speakers are via Zoom and take place on a Thursday evening at 7pm EST
Members will be sent an email invite the week of the Zoom event.
- July – No program or newsletter scheduled this month.
- Saturday, August 3rd – An Afternoon of Wine & Roses at Stone Cottage, Pat Shanley’s home. Our annual wine tasting event followed by a buffet lunch and a walk through the Rose gardens. Details on the Homepage of this website
- September 9-13 – ARS National Convention & Rose Show, featuring the installation of the next ARS President, Craig Dorschel and the new ARS Board of Directors. Registration is open -
- October – Annual Dinner Meeting in Manhattan. Details TBA
- Thursday, November 14th (Zoom meeting) – Meka George – Meka is the Manager of New Plant Development for Will Radler at his company - Rose Innovations!
- Saturday, December 14th - Annual Holiday Cocktail Party Details TBA
Manhattan Rose Society Past Events
Thursday, June 6th - Join us for a guided tour of the Central Park Conservatory Garden. The tour of the garden will start at 2pm. Our guide will be Diane Schaub, Curator of the garden. We will meet up at the entrance to the garden, 5th Ave and 105th Street at The Vanderbilt Gate, a giant, black wrought-iron gate. There, we will be met by our very own Shinichi Harada, who is the gardener there. He will take us to where the tour will start with Diane Schaub. There is no charge to enter the garden. Please RSVP by May 31st to [email protected].
Thursday, May 16th – Vincent Simeone presented: “Southern Plants for Northern Climates and Companion Planting for Roses."
Thursday, April 18th Cathy Guzzardo presented: “Choosing Roses for Your Garden with Sustainability in Mind!”
Thursday, March 21 Pat Shanley presented: Recent & Anticipated Introductions of Beautiful Disease Resistant Roses & How to get them!
Sunday, March 24 Manhattan Rose Society Pruning Seminar/Workshop & Rose Q&A in the Marjorie D. Marcallino Rose Garden on Roosevelt Island!
Thursday, March 9 Rene Schmitz from Palatine Roses presented a program on Field Grown Roses and his wonderful nursery.
Saturday, April 1 Pruning demonstration on Roosevelt Island - CANCELLED DUE TO WEATHER
Saturday, April 22 Matthias Meilland, Meilland International, presented a program on Fragrance & Roses.
Thursday, May 11 Paul Zimmerman, owner of Paul Zimmerman Roses, presented The Basics of Garden Design.
Friday, June 2 Private tour of the UN Rose Garden (Members Only)
Thursday, July 13 Terry Palise presenting “The Value of Creating a Rose Garden Map & Inventory”
August 12 Wine & Roses at Stone Cottage. A wine tasting complete with buffet lunch and a tour of the roses at Stone Cottage, Pat Shanley’s home.
September 8 - 10 The ARS NY District Convention will be held in Binghamton, NY.
October 12, 2023, Annual Meeting & Dinner in Manhattan. Nino's Ristorante Italiano, 1354 First Avenue, Ny, NY 10021.
Saturday, December 10 - MRS Holiday Open House at Stone Cottage, 7-10pm; Members & 1 Guest; $35 per person; Fundraising Raffle; RSVP by December 1st. Directions to Stone Cottage provided on registration for the event. Make your reservations now on our Storefront page! We look forward to celebrating the holidays with our members. If you have already renewed your membership, Thank you! *If not - It's time to renew your membership as this is a members only event. Membership renewal available on the Storefront page.
Saturday, November 19 - Jeff Wyckoff - "The Wide World of Shrub Roses" The program will include: History and classification of shrubs, Shrub families, Selecting shrubs, Availability – HelpMeFind and CRL, Location, support and structures, Pruning shrubs, Exhibiting shrubs, c. 3 dozen visual examples of highly-rated shrub varieties.
Saturday, October 15 - John Bagnasco – “Lost, Found & Still Around…The Proposition of Saving Rose Varieties in the 21st Century” plus The Installation of the newly elected MRS Board of Directors.
Saturday September 24 - Rebecca Koraytem, US Sales Executive for David Austin Roses - "David Austin Roses for Your Garden!"
Saturday, August 20 - Suzanne Horn – “The Rapture of Miniature and Miniflora Roses” Suzanne will give a colorful PowerPoint presentation, featuring many beautiful photo, entitled “The Rapture of Miniature & Miniflora Roses”, highlighting the wide variety of these tiny treasures, their history, how to use them in your garden and how to take them to the rose shows. She will also introduce us to all the latest and greatest introductions including the much anticipated roses from hybridizer Dave Bang.
Saturday, July 16 - Dr. David Slezak - “Managing Rose Black Spot – Genetic & Cultural Approaches” The program will focus on the disease life cycle to help us understand cultural interventions that can help slow down black spot, some of the lower impact commercial products/sprays for management, and advances being made with genetics of black spot resistance and introduction of resistant varieties.
Saturday, June 18 - Dr. Mark Windham - "Update on Rose Rosette Disease Research "
Good News! Research, underway at Texas A&M University and the University of Tennessee, has found RRD Resistant Genes. The focus now turns to getting resistance to RRD into the roses we love and want in our gardens. We are one step closer to putting this problem behind us. Join us as Dr. Windham brings us up to date on where we stand in the fight against RRD!
Saturday, May 14 - Toni Simonetti - "Spring Garden Chores, Tools, and Other Musings" After a long winter, it is exciting to get back out into the garden. There is a lot to do as plants begin their march to summer fullness. Cleaning up, prepping, pruning and feeding are standard chores. Having the right tools makes go a little quicker. Getting a good look at the state of your plants, soil, and growing environment may solve some past mysteries. I’ll share some of my tips for getting the garden in order, and I’ll ask for your ideas, too!
April 23, 2022 - 2:00pm ET - via GoToMeeting!
Gaye Hammond, presenting “All the Dirt on Soil” - a deep dive on the importance of good soil, moves in to take the mystery out of soil testing and pH, gives us up to the minute research-based info on fertilizers, and ends with the importance of mulch - and it's not just for "pretty!"
March 12 2022 - 2:00pm ET - via GoToMeeting!
Heidi Mortensen, Star Roses® and Plants Rose Program Manager & Bloomables® Brand Manager - presenting a new fragrant rose series under the Bloomables® brand that includes many of the wonder Kordes® genetics, including Arborrose®, Sunbelt®, Kolorscape®, Veranda® and the Eleganza® series.
Saturday, October 16, 2021 - 2:00pm ET - via GoToMeeting!
Members will be sent an email invite the week of the event.
Curtis Aumiller - “A New Shot – Expert tips on Rose Photography!”
Curtis will explain how to take great photos of your roses. He will also explain how to enter your best rose photos in a rose show and will cover those factors that judges use to pick the winning rose photos.
R. Curtis Aumiller is the author of the first ARS Guidelines to Judging Rose Photography. Curtis has been judging rose photography for over 14 years and has given presentations about judging and taking rose photos across the nation! Curtis is Dual Accredited as a Horticulture and Arrangement judge for the ARS. He has been the District Chair of Photography and the District Chair of Arrangements for the Penn-Jersey District, and he was a judge on the ARS American Rose Photography Contest for three years before being asked to chair that contest. Curtis is currently the Penn-Jersey District Director. Curtis was the Penn-Jersey District 2012 Outstanding Consulting Rosarian, the Penn-Jersey District 2013 ARS Silver Honor Medal recipient, Penn-Jersey District Outstanding Judge in 2018, became an ARS Master Rosarian in 2019, and the Pittsburgh Rose Society Bronze Medal recipient in 2020. Curtis lives in Camp Hill, Pennsylvania where he grows over 100 different rose varieties.
Saturday, September 25, 2021 – 2:00pm ET - via GoToMeeting!
Mike and Angelina Chute presenting: “à La Carte Travel: An International Virtual Garden Tour”
Members will be sent an email invite the week of the event.
Join Mike & and Angelina Chute as they travel to five exceptional international rose gardens. This PowerPoint journey begins at the David Austin Rose Nursery in Albrighton, England which features hundreds of Austin’s famous English Roses exhibited in seven gorgeous garden rooms during peak bloom in early June.
Next stop is Rome to visit Il Roseto, a hillside rose garden with a view of the ancient Circus Maximus with hundreds of roses uniquely planted on a grassy slope. From there, you’ll go to Florence’s Giardino Delle Rose, a quiet rose garden hideaway with whimsical sculptures, that overlooks the iconic Florentine skyline. On to the classic French garden, Roseraie de L’Hay, located just outside of Paris featuring obelisks, festoons, amazing trellises and of course, great roses. Last on the tour is La Roseraie in the Montreal Botanical Garden. This large, impressive rose garden has been described as “the best public rose garden in Canada” and features more than 10,000 modern, old garden and species roses. Five extraordinary rose gardens – each a stunning display of rose horticulture.
Mike and Angelina Chute are co-owners of Rose Solutions, a landscape consulting company that specializes in roses. They are both certified American Rose Society Master Rosarians. Mike is an accredited ARS horticultural rose judge. They also serve as consultants for both municipal and private rose gardens.
They maintain a web site (, a blog ( and publish a quarterly e-newsletter, “The Northeast Rose Gardener”.
No meeting scheduled for August
Saturday, July 3l, 2021 – 2:00pm ET - via GoToMeeting! This is a change of date!!
Dr Mark Windham - presenting "Being Your Rose's Health Coach!)
Members will be sent an email invite the week of the event.
The original date of this program was July 24th. In order to allow our members to view the ARS Green Thumb Seminar featuring Will Radler, we have changed the date to July 31st!
Mark is a native of Mississippi and holds three degrees in plant pathology from Mississippi State University (BS and MS) and North Carolina State University (PhD). After two years on the faculty at Colorado State University, Mark is currently a professor and distinguished chair in ornamental pathology in the Department on Entomology and Plant Pathology at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville. The focus of his current research is best management plans for Rose Rosette Disease (RRD), screening roses for resistance to Rose Rosette Virus, and retuning flowering dogwood as a viable nursery crop to the Deep South (along and south of I-10/I-12).
Saturday, June 19, 2021 – 2:00pm ET - via GoToMeeting!
Craig Dorschel - presenting "Classic Shrub Roses for Your Garden"
Members will be sent an email invite the week of the event.
Craig hails from the Yankee District and grows 150+ roses on his small city property. He is currently serving as ARS Region 0 Director. He is an ARS Master Rosarian, Horticulture Judge and Arrangements Judge. He is also a Candidate for ARS Vice President. His talk will center on choosing shrub roses for your garden.
Saturday, May 22, 2021 – 2:00pm ET - via GoToMeeting!
"Success with Roses in Containers" - presented by Suzanne Horn
Members will be sent an email invite the week of the event.
Suzanne’s program will cover suggested locations for containers, selection of containers, her potting method plus care and maintenance of container grown roses along with suggestions of varieties to choose. A wonderful and informative handout from Suzanne will be provided to all attendees.
Suzanne Horn is an avid rose lover, exhibitor and educator from Glendale, California with a background in entertainment. Suzanne has been growing roses since February 14, 2000, and they are all in containers. She is a successful exhibitor, winning District and National trophies since her first two years of exhibiting. In 2003 she became a Consulting Rosarian and shortly thereafter an accredited ARS Horticultural Judge. In 2014, Suzanne became a Master Rosarian and was named “Outstanding Consulting Rosarian” for the Pacific Southwest District.
Saturday, April 17, 2021 – 2:00pm ET - via GoToMeeting!
“OH #!&* I DID IT TO MYSELF!” (and how to fix it, if you did) presented by Gaye Hammond.
Members will be sent an email invite the week of the event.
The Program will shine a light on gardener-caused rose maladies, as well as what to do to bring your plants back around to health.
Gaye Hammond, Past President of the Houston Rose Society, has served on the Board of Directors of that organization since 1999. She is a life member and patron of American Rose Society, a Consulting Rosarian and has been awarded the ARS Bronze Honor Medal for Outstanding Service. She is also the recipient of the ARS Glenda Whitaker Award for Achievement in Membership. Since 2002, Gaye has been the study liaison between the Houston Rose Society and Texas A&M AgriLife Extension in connection with the Earth-Kind Rose Research Program, which is perhaps the largest scientific environmental research study on roses ever conducted. In addition, Gaye serves as a Director with the American Rose Trials for Sustainability - a regional testing program for modern roses.
Saturday, March 13, 2021 – 2:00pm ET - via GoToMeeting!
“Roses – the Most Garden Worthy of All Plants!” presented by Michael Marriott, Highlighting all wonderful attributes of the rose and how valuable and versatile they are in the garden.
Members will be sent an email invite the week of the event.
Michael Marriott is recently retired from David Austin Roses, where he was Technical Manager and Senior Rosarian for many years. He is one of the world’s most respected rose experts. He is also well-known for his rose garden design and his commonsense approach to looking after roses and has traveled worldwide to share his expertise and oversee projects.
Saturday, February 20, 2021 – 2:00pm ET - via GoToMeeting!
“Exciting New Roses for Today’s Garden” presented by Kristen Smith, New Plants Coordinator for Star® Roses and Plants
Members will be sent an email invite the week of the event.
Kristen Smith began employment in 2006 at The Conard-Pyle Co., now known as Star® Roses and Plants. She has been working in this position over 11 years and enjoys coordinating he rose trials in West Grove, PA as well as at external trial sites around the country. Her favorite part of the job is evaluating new roses for future release.
Saturday, January 9, 2021 – 2:00pm - via GoToMeeting
"American Garden Rose Selections™ (AGRS™) 2021 Winners!" presented by Chris VanCleave
Chris VanCleave, the Redneck Rosarian, will introduce us to the American Garden Rose Selections™, (AGRS™) 2021 Winners and talk about choosing the Right Rose for the Right Location. He will also share tips on his own growing methods.
America's Favorite Rose Gardener, Chris is AGRS™ Director of Marketing & Publicity and is passionate about gardening and growing roses. An outspoken advocate for roses, he created Rose Chat Podcast and is a sought-after speaker at home and garden shows across the nation. He also serves as Chair of the Helena, Alabama Beautification Board and was recently elected to the Helena City Council.
Saturday, June 13th, 2020 – 2:00pm - via GoToMeeting!
Paul Zimmerman presenting his program:
“Everyday Roses - Tips on Pruning, Planting, Fertilizing, Companion Planting and more!”
Paul is the author of “Everyday Roses, How to Grow Knock Out and Other Easy-Care Roses” and has worked with roses for over 25 years. He is Director, Biltmore International Rose Trials and Exclusive Rose Consultant to the Biltmore Estate. He is also Independent Consultant to Jackson & Perkins and conducts rose lectures and rose-growing workshops nationwide and overseas.
Saturday, July 18th, 2020 – 2:00pm - via GoToMeeting!
Members will be sent an email invite the week of the event.
Mary Hahn - presenting: English Garden Rose Tour 2019 - a presentation on a variety of roses in public & private gardens of England, including David Austin Roses, as led by Paul Zimmerman!
Mary is a member of the Board of Directors of Manhattan Rose Society. She is an ARS Horticuture Judge and ARS Consulting Rosarian. Mary is Past President of the Jersey Shore Rose Society. She and her husband, Tim, are active, supporting members!!
Saturday, August 15th, 2020 – 2:00pm - via G0ToMeeting!
Members will be sent an email invite the week of the event.
Toni Simonetti presenting - Rosa!
Toni is an Advanced Master Gardener and ARS Consulting Rosarian with a wealth of information on growing great roses and how they relate to our everyday life!
Saturday, September 19th, 2020 – 2:00pm - via GoToMeeting!
Members will be sent an email invite the week of the event.
Gaye Hammond - presenting: David Austin's Fabulous & Fragrant Shrub Roses!
A presentation on the wonderful roses bred by David Austin and how they can be used in your garden.
As one of the most famous rose breeders, David Austin introduced over 190 rose cultivars during his lifetime. Many of them not only send out beautiful blooms but also have wonderful fragrance. Interestingly, there is a connection between the colors of his roses and their scents, accompanied by a wonderful story of how they came to be. At the September MRS virtual meeting, Gaye Hammond will introduce the fragrant shrub roses of David Austin.
Gaye is Past President of the Houston Rose Society and ARS Master Consulting Rosarian. She is a life member and patron of the American Rose Society and has been awarded the ARS Bronze Honor Medal for Outstanding Service. She has lectured widely both nationally and internationally.
Since 2002, Gaye has been the study liaison between the Houston Rose Society and Texas A&M AgriLife Extension in connection with the Earth-Kind Rose Research Program.
Saturday, October 24th, 2020 – 2:00pm - via GoToMeeting!
Members will be sent an email invite the week of the event.
Dr Mark Windham will be with us live!
He will present the Rose Rosette Video by Paul Zimmerman, featuring Mark, Dr. David Byrne & Dr. Kevin Ong.
Rose Rosette Video by Paul Zimmerman, featuring Dr. Mark Windham, Dr. David Byrne and Dr. Kevin Ong
Mark will answer your questions in real time!
July/August, 2020 – CANCELLED UNTIL 2021
MRS Annual Wine & Roses @ Stone Cottage with Ann & Joe Gibson!
Join us for a Wine Tasting party, lunch and a walk through Pat Shanley’s garden.
October 2020 - CANCELLED UNTIL 2021
Annual Dinner Meeting. Held in a fine restaurant in Manhattan
Saturday, December 12, 2020 – CANCELLED UNTIL 2021
Holiday Open House @ Stone Cottage.
Photos left to right - 'Peggy Martin' with 'The Garland', 'Bajazzo', 'The Garland'